Source code for pyramid_jsonapi

"""Tools for constructing a JSON-API from sqlalchemy models in Pyramid."""

# pylint:disable=line-too-long

import copy
import importlib
import re
import traceback
import types
from collections import deque

from pyramid.settings import asbool

from pyramid.view import (
from pyramid.httpexceptions import (
import pyramid_settings_wrapper
import sqlalchemy
from sqlalchemy.exc import DBAPIError
from sqlalchemy.ext.associationproxy import ASSOCIATION_PROXY
# DeclarativeMeta moved between sqlalchemy 1.3 and 1.4
    # <= 1.3
    from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative.api import DeclarativeMeta
except ImportError:
    # 1.4+
    from sqlalchemy.orm import DeclarativeMeta
from sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid import hybrid_property
from sqlalchemy.orm.interfaces import (
from sqlalchemy.orm.relationships import RelationshipProperty

import pyramid_jsonapi.collection_view
import pyramid_jsonapi.endpoints
import pyramid_jsonapi.filters
import pyramid_jsonapi.metadata
from pyramid_jsonapi.permissions import (
import pyramid_jsonapi.version
import pyramid_jsonapi.workflow as wf

__version__ = pyramid_jsonapi.version.get_version()

[docs]class PyramidJSONAPI(): """Class encapsulating an API. Arguments: config (pyramid.config.Configurator): pyramid config object from app. models (module or iterable): a models module or iterable of models. Keyword Args: get_dbsession (callable): function accepting an instance of CollectionViewBase and returning a sqlalchemy database session. """ view_classes = {} # Default configuration values config_defaults = { 'allow_client_ids': {'val': False, 'desc': 'Allow client to specify resource ids.'}, 'api_version': {'val': '', 'desc': 'API version for prefixing endpoints and metadata generation.'}, 'expose_foreign_keys': {'val': False, 'desc': 'Expose foreign key fields in JSON.'}, 'inform_of_get_authz_failures': {'val': True, 'desc': 'True = return information in meta about authz failures; False = pretend items don\'t exist'}, 'metadata_endpoints': {'val': True, 'desc': 'Should /metadata endpoint be enabled?'}, 'metadata_modules': {'val': 'JSONSchema OpenAPI', 'desc': 'Modules to load to provide metadata endpoints (defaults are modules provided in the metadata package).'}, 'openapi_file': {'val': '', 'desc': 'File containing OpenAPI data (YAML or JSON)'}, 'paging_default_limit': {'val': 10, 'desc': 'Default pagination limit for collections.'}, 'paging_max_limit': {'val': 100, 'desc': 'Default limit on the number of items returned for collections.'}, 'route_name_prefix': {'val': 'pyramid_jsonapi', 'desc': 'Prefix for pyramid route names for view_classes.'}, 'route_pattern_api_prefix': {'val': 'api', 'desc': 'Prefix for api endpoints (if metadata_endpoints is enabled).'}, 'route_pattern_metadata_prefix': {'val': 'metadata', 'desc': 'Prefix for metadata endpoints (if metadata_endpoints is enabled).'}, 'route_pattern_prefix': {'val': '', 'desc': '"Parent" prefix for all endpoints'}, 'route_name_sep': {'val': ':', 'desc': 'Separator for pyramid route names.'}, 'route_pattern_sep': {'val': '/', 'desc': 'Separator for pyramid route patterns.'}, 'schema_file': {'val': '', 'desc': 'File containing jsonschema JSON for validation.'}, 'schema_validation': {'val': True, 'desc': 'jsonschema schema validation enabled?'}, 'debug_endpoints': {'val': False, 'desc': 'Whether or not to add debugging endpoints.'}, 'debug_test_data_module': {'val': 'test_data', 'desc': 'Module responsible for populating test data.'}, 'debug_traceback': {'val': False, 'desc': 'Whether or not to add a stack traceback to errors.'}, 'debug_meta': {'val': False, 'desc': 'Whether or not to add debug information to the meta key in returned JSON.'}, 'workflow_item_get': {'val': 'pyramid_jsonapi.workflow.loop.item_get', 'desc': 'Module implementing the item_get workflow.'}, 'workflow_item_patch': {'val': 'pyramid_jsonapi.workflow.loop.item_patch', 'desc': 'Module implementing the item_patch workflow.'}, 'workflow_item_delete': {'val': 'pyramid_jsonapi.workflow.loop.item_delete', 'desc': 'Module implementing the item_delete workflow.'}, 'workflow_collection_get': {'val': 'pyramid_jsonapi.workflow.loop.collection_get', 'desc': 'Module implementing the collection_get workflow.'}, 'workflow_collection_post': {'val': 'pyramid_jsonapi.workflow.loop.collection_post', 'desc': 'Module implementing the collection_post workflow.'}, 'workflow_related_get': {'val': 'pyramid_jsonapi.workflow.loop.related_get', 'desc': 'Module implementing the related_get workflow.'}, 'workflow_relationships_get': {'val': 'pyramid_jsonapi.workflow.loop.relationships_get', 'desc': 'Module implementing the relationships_get workflow.'}, 'workflow_relationships_post': {'val': 'pyramid_jsonapi.workflow.loop.relationships_post', 'desc': 'Module implementing the relationships_post workflow.'}, 'workflow_relationships_patch': {'val': 'pyramid_jsonapi.workflow.loop.relationships_patch', 'desc': 'Module implementing the relationships_patch workflow.'}, 'workflow_relationships_delete': {'val': 'pyramid_jsonapi.workflow.loop.relationships_delete', 'desc': 'Module implementing the relationships_delete workflow.'}, } def __init__(self, config, models, get_dbsession=None): self.config = config self.settings = pyramid_settings_wrapper.Settings( config.registry.settings, defaults=self.config_defaults, default_keys_only=True, prefix=['pyramid_jsonapi'] ) self.models = models self.get_dbsession = get_dbsession self.endpoint_data = pyramid_jsonapi.endpoints.EndpointData(self) self.filter_registry = pyramid_jsonapi.filters.FilterRegistry() self.metadata = {}
[docs] @staticmethod def error(exc, request): """Error method to return jsonapi compliant errors.""" request.response.content_type = 'application/vnd.api+json' request.response.status_code = exc.code errors = { 'errors': [ { 'code': str(exc.code), 'detail': exc.detail, 'title': exc.title, } ] } if asbool(request.registry.settings.get('pyramid_jsonapi.debug_traceback', False)): errors['traceback'] = traceback.format_exc() return errors
[docs] def create_jsonapi(self, engine=None, test_data=None, api_version=''): """Auto-create jsonapi from module or iterable of sqlAlchemy models. Keyword Args: engine: a sqlalchemy.engine.Engine instance. Only required if using the debug view. test_data: a module with an ``add_to_db()`` method which will populate the database. api_version: An optional version to be used in generating urls, docs etc. defaults to ''. Can also be set globally in settings ini file. """ if api_version: self.settings.api_version = api_version # Build a list of declarative models to add as collections. if isinstance(self.models, types.ModuleType): model_list = [] for attr in self.models.__dict__.values(): if isinstance(attr, DeclarativeMeta): try: sqlalchemy.inspect(attr).primary_key except sqlalchemy.exc.NoInspectionAvailable: # Trying to inspect the declarative_base() raises this # exception. We don't want to add it to the API. continue model_list.append(attr) else: model_list = list(self.models) # Add the debug endpoints if required. if self.settings.debug_endpoints: DebugView.engine = engine or model_list[0].metadata.bind DebugView.metadata = model_list[0].metadata DebugView.test_data = test_data or importlib.import_module( str(self.settings.debug_test_data_module) ) self.config.add_route('debug', '/debug/{action}') self.config.add_view( DebugView, attr='drop', route_name='debug', match_param='action=drop', renderer='json' ) self.config.add_view( DebugView, attr='populate', route_name='debug', match_param='action=populate', renderer='json' ) self.config.add_view( DebugView, attr='reset', route_name='debug', match_param='action=reset', renderer='json' ) # Loop through the models list. Create resource endpoints for these and # any relationships found. for model_class in model_list: self.create_resource(model_class) # Instantiate metadata now that view_class has been populated if self.settings.metadata_endpoints: self.metadata = pyramid_jsonapi.metadata.MetaData(self) # Add error views prefnames = ['api'] if self.settings.metadata_endpoints: prefnames.append('metadata') for prefname in prefnames: path_info = self.endpoint_data.rp_constructor.pattern_from_components( str(getattr(self.settings, 'route_pattern_prefix')), str(getattr(self.settings, 'api_version')), str(getattr(self.settings, 'route_pattern_{}_prefix'.format(prefname))), start_sep=True, end_sep=True ) self.config.add_notfound_view( self.error, renderer='json', path_info=path_info ) self.config.add_forbidden_view( self.error, renderer='json', path_info=path_info ) self.config.add_view( self.error, context=HTTPError, renderer='json', path_info=path_info )
create_jsonapi_using_magic_and_pixie_dust = create_jsonapi # pylint:disable=invalid-name
[docs] def create_resource(self, model, collection_name=None, expose_fields=None): """Produce a set of resource endpoints. Arguments: model: a model class derived from DeclarativeMeta. Keyword Args: collection_name: string name of collection. Passed through to ``collection_view_factory()`` expose_fields: set of field names to be exposed. Passed through to ``collection_view_factory()`` """ if not hasattr(model, '__pyramid_jsonapi__'): model.__pyramid_jsonapi__ = {} if 'id_col_name' not in model.__pyramid_jsonapi__: # Find the primary key column from the model and use as 'id_col_name' try: keycols = sqlalchemy.inspect(model).primary_key except sqlalchemy.exc.NoInspectionAvailable: # Trying to inspect the declarative_base() raises this exception. # We don't want to add it to the API. return # Only deal with one primary key column. if len(keycols) > 1: raise Exception( 'Model {} has more than one primary key.'.format( model.__name__ ) ) model.__pyramid_jsonapi__['id_col_name'] = keycols[0].name # Create a view class for use in the various add_view() calls below. view = self.collection_view_factory(model, collection_name or getattr( model, '__pyramid_jsonapi__', {} ).get('collection_name') or sqlalchemy.inspect(model).tables[-1].name, expose_fields=expose_fields) self.view_classes[model] = view view.default_limit = int(self.settings.paging_default_limit) view.max_limit = int(self.settings.paging_max_limit) for vm in self.endpoint_data.http_to_view_methods['all']: setattr(view, vm, wf.make_method(vm, self)) self.endpoint_data.add_routes_views(view)
[docs] def collection_view_factory(self, model, collection_name=None, expose_fields=None): """Build a class to handle requests for model. Arguments: model: a model class derived from DeclarativeMeta. Keyword Args: collection_name: string name of collection. expose_fields: set of field names to expose. """ class_attrs = {} class_attrs['api'] = self class_attrs['model'] = model class_attrs['key_column'] = sqlalchemy.inspect(model).primary_key[0] class_attrs['collection_name'] = collection_name or model.__tablename__ class_attrs['exposed_fields'] = expose_fields # atts is ordinary attributes of the model. # hybrid_atts is any hybrid attributes defined. # fields is atts + hybrid_atts + relationships atts = {} hybrid_atts = {} fields = {} for key, col in sqlalchemy.inspect(model).mapper.columns.items(): if key == class_attrs['key_column'].name: continue if col.foreign_keys and not self.settings.expose_foreign_keys: continue if expose_fields is None or key in expose_fields: atts[key] = col fields[key] = col class_attrs['attributes'] = atts rels = {} for key, item in sqlalchemy.inspect(model).all_orm_descriptors.items(): if isinstance(item, hybrid_property): if expose_fields is None or item.__name__ in expose_fields: if'pyramid_jsonapi', {}).get('relationship', False): rels[key] = item else: hybrid_atts[item.__name__] = item fields[item.__name__] = item if item.extension_type is ASSOCIATION_PROXY: rels[key] = item class_attrs['hybrid_attributes'] = hybrid_atts class_attrs['all_attributes'] = atts.copy() class_attrs['all_attributes'].update(hybrid_atts) for key, rel in sqlalchemy.inspect(model).mapper.relationships.items(): if expose_fields is None or key in expose_fields: rels[key] = rel view_rels = {} class_attrs['relationships'] = view_rels fields.update(rels) class_attrs['fields'] = fields vm_map = copy.deepcopy( self.endpoint_data.http_to_view_methods ) class_attrs['permission_filters'] = { hm: {t: {} for t in Targets} for hm in self.endpoint_data.http_methods } for vm in vm_map['all']: vm_map[vm] = {vm} class_attrs['methods'] = vm_map view_class = type( 'CollectionView<{}>'.format(collection_name), (pyramid_jsonapi.collection_view.CollectionViewBase, ), class_attrs ) # Relationships have to be added after view_class has been constructed # because they need a reference to it. for key, rel in rels.items(): view_rels[key] = StdRelationship(key, rel, view_class) view_class.permission_template = Permission.template_from_view(view_class) return view_class
[docs] def enable_permission_handlers(self, stage_names): ''' Add permission handlers to all views. Permission handlers are not added to views by default for performance reasons. Call this function to add permission handlers to *all* views for the stage names specified. Arguments: stage_names: an iterable of stage names to enable. ''' # Build a set of all the end points from permissions. ep_names = self.endpoint_data.http_to_view_methods['all'] # Add permission handlers for all view classes. for model, view_class in self.view_classes.items(): for ep_name in ep_names: ep_func = getattr(view_class, ep_name) ep_func.stages['alter_document'].append( wf.sh_alter_document_add_denied ) for stage_name in stage_names: view_class.add_stage_handler( [ep_name], [stage_name], view_class.permission_handler(ep_name, stage_name) )
[docs]class StdRelationship: """Standardise access to relationship information. Attributes: obj: the actual object representing the relationship. """ def __init__(self, name, obj, view_class): = name self.obj = obj self.view_class = view_class self.src_class = self.view_class.model if isinstance(obj, RelationshipProperty): self.direction = self.rel_direction self.tgt_class = self.rel_tgt_class self.instrumented = getattr(self.src_class, self.queryable = True elif isinstance(obj, hybrid_property): pj_info =['pyramid_jsonapi']['relationship'] self.direction = pj_info.get('direction', ONETOMANY) self.queryable = pj_info.get('queryable', False) tgt_class = pj_info.get('tgt_class') if isinstance(tgt_class, str): for mapper in view_class.model.registry.mappers: if mapper.class_.__name__ == tgt_class: tgt_class = mapper.class_ break self.tgt_class = tgt_class elif obj.extension_type is ASSOCIATION_PROXY: self.direction = self.proxy_direction self.tgt_class = self.proxy_tgt_class self.queryable = True @property def rel_direction(self): return self.obj.direction @property def to_many(self): return self.direction in (ONETOMANY, MANYTOMANY) @property def to_one(self): return not self.to_many @property def proxy_direction(self): ps = self.obj.for_class(self.src_class) if ps.scalar: return MANYTOONE else: return MANYTOMANY @property def rel_tgt_class(self): return self.obj.mapper.class_ @property def proxy_tgt_class(self): ps = self.obj.for_class(self.src_class) return getattr(ps.target_class, ps.value_attr).mapper.class_ @property def rel_mirror_relationship(self): tgt_view = self.view_class.api.view_classes[self.tgt_class] found = None for rname, r in tgt_view.relationships.items(): if not isinstance(r.obj, RelationshipProperty): # Making the assumption that the mirror of any normal rel # will be another normal rel. continue if self.direction is MANYTOMANY: # For MANYTOMANY we need to look at the secondaryjoin. if ( self.obj.primaryjoin.left == r.obj.secondaryjoin.left and self.obj.primaryjoin.right == r.obj.secondaryjoin.right and self.obj.secondaryjoin.left == r.obj.primaryjoin.left and self.obj.secondaryjoin.right == r.obj.primaryjoin.right ): return StdRelationship(rname, r.obj, tgt_view) else: if ( self.obj.primaryjoin.left == r.obj.primaryjoin.left and self.obj.primaryjoin.right == r.obj.primaryjoin.right ): # Done. return StdRelationship(rname, r.obj, tgt_view) return None @property def proxy_mirror_relationship(self): tgt_view = self.view_class.api.view_classes[self.tgt_class] pi = self.obj.for_class(self.src_class) for rname, r in tgt_view.relationships.items(): if r.obj.extension_type is not ASSOCIATION_PROXY: # Assume that the mirror of any association proxy rel # will be another association proxy. continue rpi = r.obj.for_class(r.src_class) if ( == and == and == and == ): return StdRelationship(rname, r.obj, tgt_view) return None @property def mirror_relationship(self): if isinstance(self.obj, RelationshipProperty): return self.rel_mirror_relationship elif self.obj.extension_type is ASSOCIATION_PROXY: return self.proxy_mirror_relationship else: return None
[docs]class DebugView: """Pyramid view class defining a debug API. These are available as ``/debug/{action}`` if ``pyramid_jsonapi.debug_endpoints == 'true'``. Attributes: engine: sqlalchemy engine with connection to the db. metadata: sqlalchemy model metadata test_data: module with an ``add_to_db()`` method which will populate the database """ def __init__(self, request): self.request = request
[docs] def drop(self): """Drop all tables from the database!!! """ self.metadata.drop_all(self.engine) return 'dropped'
[docs] def populate(self): """Create tables and populate with test data. """ # Create or update tables and schema. Safe if tables already exist. self.metadata.create_all(self.engine) # Add test data. Safe if test data already exists. self.test_data.add_to_db(self.engine) return 'populated'
[docs] def reset(self): """The same as 'drop' and then 'populate'. """ self.drop() self.populate() return "reset"
[docs]def get_class_by_tablename(tablename, registry): """Return class reference mapped to table. Args: tablename: String with name of table. registry: metadata registry return: Class reference or None. """ for c in registry._decl_class_registry.values(): if hasattr(c, '__tablename__') and c.__tablename__ == tablename: return c