Source code for pyramid_jsonapi.collection_view

"""Provide base class for collection views and utilities."""
# pylint: disable=too-many-lines; It's mostly docstrings
import functools
import itertools
import importlib
import logging
import re
import sqlalchemy
from collections import namedtuple
from import Sequence
from functools import partial
from pyramid.httpexceptions import (
from pyramid.settings import asbool
from rqlalchemy import RQLQueryMixIn
from sqlalchemy.ext.associationproxy import AssociationProxy
from sqlalchemy.orm import (
    Query as BaseQuery,
from sqlalchemy.orm.relationships import RelationshipProperty
from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import NoResultFound

ONETOMANY = sqlalchemy.orm.interfaces.ONETOMANY
MANYTOMANY = sqlalchemy.orm.interfaces.MANYTOMANY
MANYTOONE = sqlalchemy.orm.interfaces.MANYTOONE

from pyramid_jsonapi.permissions import (
import pyramid_jsonapi.workflow as wf

Entity = namedtuple('Entity', 'type')

[docs]class RQLQuery(BaseQuery, RQLQueryMixIn): pass
[docs]class CollectionViewBase: """Base class for all view classes. Arguments: request (pyramid.request): passed by framework. """ # pylint:disable=too-many-public-methods # Define class attributes # Callable attributes use lambda to keep pylint happy api = None all_attributes = None attributes = None callbacks = None collection_name = None default_limit = None exposed_fields = None fields = None dbsession = None hybrid_attributes = None item = None key_column = None max_limit = None model = lambda: None obj_id = None not_found_message = None request = None rel = None rel_class = None rel_view = None relationships = None relname = None view_classes = None settings = None permission_filters = None permission_template = None methods = None def __init__(self, request): self.request = request if self.api.get_dbsession: self.dbsession = self.api.get_dbsession(self) else: self.dbsession = self.request.dbsession self.views = {}
[docs] @staticmethod def id_col(item): """Return the column holding an item's id.""" return getattr(item, item.__pyramid_jsonapi__['id_col_name'])
[docs] def get_one(self, query, not_found_message=None): try: item = except (NoResultFound, sqlalchemy.exc.DataError, sqlalchemy.exc.StatementError): # NoResultFound is sqlalchemy's native exception if there is no # such id in the collection. # DataError is caused by e.g. id (int) = cat # StatementError is caused by e.g. id (uuid) = 1 if not_found_message: raise HTTPNotFound(not_found_message) else: return None return item
[docs] def get_item(self, _id=None): """Return the item specified by _id. Will look up id from request if _id is None. """ if _id is None: _id = self.obj_id return self.get_one( self.dbsession.query( self.model ).options( load_only( ).filter( self.key_column == _id ) )
[docs] def get_old(self): """Handle GET request for a single item. Get a single item from the collection, referenced by id. **URL (matchdict) Parameters** **id** (*str*): resource id Returns: jsonapi.Document: in the form: .. parsed-literal:: { "data": { resource object }, "links": { "self": self url, maybe other links... }, "meta": { jsonapi specific information } } Raises: HTTPNotFound Example: Get person 1: .. parsed-literal:: http GET http://localhost:6543/people/1 """ pass
[docs] def patch_old(self): """Handle PATCH request for a single item. Update an existing item from a partially defined representation. **URL (matchdict) Parameters** **id** (*str*): resource id **Request Body** **Partial resource object** (*json*) Returns: jsonapi.Document: in the form: .. parsed-literal:: { 'meta': { 'updated': [ <attribute_name>, <attribute_name> ] } } Raises: HTTPNotFound Todo: Currently does not deal with relationships. Example: PATCH person 1, changing name to alicia: .. parsed-literal:: http PATCH http://localhost:6543/people/1 data:=' { "type":"people", "id": "1", "attributes": { "name": "alicia" } }' Content-Type:application/vnd.api+json Change the author of posts/1 to people/2: .. parsed-literal:: http PATCH http://localhost:6543/posts/1 data:=' { "type":"posts", "id": "1", "relationships": { "author": {"type": "people", "id": "2"} } }' Content-Type:application/vnd.api+json Set the comments on posts/1 to be [comments/4, comments/5]: .. parsed-literal:: http PATCH http://localhost:6543/posts/1 data:=' { "type":"posts", "id": "1", "relationships": { "comments": [ {"type": "comments", "id": "4"}, {"type": "comments", "id": "5"} ] } }' Content-Type:application/vnd.api+json """ pass
[docs] def delete_old(self): """Handle DELETE request for single item. Delete the referenced item from the collection. **URL (matchdict) Parameters** **id** (*str*): resource id Returns: jsonapi.Document: Resource Identifier for deleted object. Raises: HTTPFailedDependency: if a database constraint would be broken by deleting the specified resource from the relationship. Example: delete person 1: .. parsed-literal:: http DELETE http://localhost:6543/people/1 """ pass
[docs] def collection_get_old(self): """Handle GET requests for the collection. Get a set of items from the collection, possibly matching search/filter parameters. Optionally sort the results, page them, return only certain fields, and include related resources. **Query Parameters** **include:** comma separated list of related resources to include in the include section. **fields[<collection>]:** comma separated list of fields (attributes or relationships) to include in data. **sort:** comma separated list of sort keys. **page[limit]:** number of results to return per page. **page[offset]:** starting index for current page. **filter[<attribute>:<op>]:** filter operation. Returns: jsonapi.Document: in the form: .. parsed-literal:: { "data": [ list of resource objects ], "links": { links object }, "include": [ optional list of included resource objects ], "meta": { implementation specific information } } Raises: HTTPBadRequest Examples: Get up to default page limit people resources: .. parsed-literal:: http GET http://localhost:6543/people Get the second page of two people, reverse sorted by name and include the related posts as included documents: .. parsed-literal:: http GET http://localhost:6543/people?page[limit]=2&page[offset]=2&sort=-name&include=posts """ pass
[docs] def collection_post_old(self): """Handle POST requests for the collection. Create a new object in collection. **Request Body** **resource object** (*json*) in the form: .. parsed-literal:: { "data": { resource object } } Returns: jsonapi.Document: in the form: .. parsed-literal:: { "data": { resource object }, "links": { "self": self url, maybe other links... }, "meta": { jsonapi specific information } } Raises: HTTPForbidden: if an id is presented in "data" and client ids are not supported. HTTPConflict: if type is not present or is different from the collection name. HTTPNotFound: if a non existent relationship is referenced in the supplied resource object. HTTPConflict: if creating the object would break a database constraint (most commonly if an id is supplied by the client and an item with that id already exists). HTTPBadRequest: if the request is malformed in some other way. Examples: Create a new person with name 'monty' and let the server pick the id: .. parsed-literal:: http POST http://localhost:6543/people data:=' { "type":"people", "attributes": { "name": "monty" } }' Content-Type:application/vnd.api+json """ pass
[docs] def related_get_old(self): """Handle GET requests for related URLs. Get object(s) related to a specified object. **URL (matchdict) Parameters** **id** (*str*): resource id **relname** (*str*): relationship name **Query Parameters** **sort:** comma separated list of sort keys. **filter[<attribute>:<op>]:** filter operation. Returns: jsonapi.Document: in the form: For a TOONE relationship (return one object): .. parsed-literal:: { "data": { resource object }, "links": { "self": self url, maybe other links... }, "meta": { jsonapi specific information } } For a TOMANY relationship (return multiple objects): .. parsed-literal:: { "data": [ { resource object }, ... ] "links": { "self": self url, maybe other links... }, "meta": { jsonapi specific information } } Raises: HTTPNotFound: if `relname` is not found as a relationship. HTTPBadRequest: if a bad filter is used. Examples: Get the author of post 1: .. parsed-literal:: http GET http://localhost:6543/posts/1/author """ pass
[docs] def relationships_get_old(self): """Handle GET requests for relationships URLs. Get object identifiers for items referred to by a relationship. **URL (matchdict) Parameters** **id** (*str*): resource id **relname** (*str*): relationship name **Query Parameters** **sort:** comma separated list of sort keys. **filter[<attribute>:<op>]:** filter operation. Returns: jsonapi.Document: in the form: For a TOONE relationship (return one identifier): .. parsed-literal:: { "data": { resource identifier }, "links": { "self": self url, maybe other links... }, "meta": { jsonapi specific information } } For a TOMANY relationship (return multiple identifiers): .. parsed-literal:: { "data": [ { resource identifier }, ... ] "links": { "self": self url, maybe other links... }, "meta": { jsonapi specific information } } Raises: HTTPBadRequest: if a bad filter is used. Examples: Get an identifer for the author of post 1: .. parsed-literal:: http GET http://localhost:6543/posts/1/relationships/author """ pass
[docs] def relationships_post_old(self): """Handle POST requests for TOMANY relationships. Add the specified member to the relationship. **URL (matchdict) Parameters** **id** (*str*): resource id **relname** (*str*): relationship name **Request Body** **resource identifier list** (*json*) in the form: .. parsed-literal:: { "data": [ { resource identifier },... ] } Returns: jsonapi.Document: in the form: .. parsed-literal:: { "links": { "self": self url, maybe other links... }, "meta": { jsonapi specific information } } Raises: HTTPNotFound: if there is no <relname> relationship. HTTPNotFound: if an attempt is made to modify a TOONE relationship. HTTPConflict: if a resource identifier is specified with a different type than that which the collection holds. HTTPFailedDependency: if a database constraint would be broken by adding the specified resource to the relationship. Examples: Add comments/1 as a comment of posts/1 .. parsed-literal:: http POST http://localhost:6543/posts/1/relationships/comments data:=' [ { "type": "comments", "id": "1" } ]' Content-Type:application/vnd.api+json """ pass
[docs] def relationships_patch_old(self): """Handle PATCH requests for relationships (TOMANY or TOONE). Completely replace the relationship membership. **URL (matchdict) Parameters** **id** (*str*): resource id **relname** (*str*): relationship name **Request Body** **resource identifier list** (*json*) in the form: TOONE relationship: .. parsed-literal:: { "data": { resource identifier } } TOMANY relationship: .. parsed-literal:: { "data": [ { resource identifier },... ] } Returns: jsonapi.Document: in the form: .. parsed-literal:: { "links": { "self": self url, maybe other links... }, "meta": { jsonapi specific information } } Raises: HTTPNotFound: if there is no <relname> relationship. HTTPConflict: if a resource identifier is specified with a different type than that which the collection holds. HTTPFailedDependency: if a database constraint would be broken by adding the specified resource to the relationship. Examples: Replace comments list of posts/1: .. parsed-literal:: http PATCH http://localhost:6543/posts/1/relationships/comments data:=' [ { "type": "comments", "id": "1" }, { "type": "comments", "id": "2" } ]' Content-Type:application/vnd.api+json """ pass
[docs] def relationships_delete_old(self): """Handle DELETE requests for TOMANY relationships. Delete the specified member from the relationship. **URL (matchdict) Parameters** **id** (*str*): resource id **relname** (*str*): relationship name **Request Body** **resource identifier list** (*json*) in the form: .. parsed-literal:: { "data": [ { resource identifier },... ] } Returns: jsonapi.Document: in the form: .. parsed-literal:: { "links": { "self": self url, maybe other links... }, "meta": { jsonapi specific information } } Raises: HTTPNotFound: if there is no <relname> relationship. HTTPNotFound: if an attempt is made to modify a TOONE relationship. HTTPConflict: if a resource identifier is specified with a different type than that which the collection holds. HTTPFailedDependency: if a database constraint would be broken by adding the specified resource to the relationship. Examples: Delete comments/1 from posts/1 comments: .. parsed-literal:: http DELETE http://localhost:6543/posts/1/relationships/comments data:=' [ { "type": "comments", "id": "1" } ]' Content-Type:application/vnd.api+json """ pass
[docs] def base_collection_query(self, loadonly=None): if not loadonly: loadonly = self.allowed_requested_query_columns.keys() query = self.dbsession.query( self.model ).options( load_only(*loadonly) ) query._entities = [Entity(type=self.model)] query.__class__ = RQLQuery return query
[docs] def single_item_query(self, obj_id=None, loadonly=None): """A query representing the single item referenced by id. Keyword Args: obj_id: id of object to be fetched. If None then use the id from the URL. loadonly: which attributes to load. If None then all requested attributes from the URL. Returns: sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query: query which will fetch item with id 'id'. """ if obj_id is None: obj_id = self.obj_id return self.base_collection_query(loadonly=loadonly).filter( self.id_col(self.model) == obj_id )
[docs] def query_add_sorting(self, query): """Add sorting to query. Use information from the ``sort`` query parameter (via :py:func:`collection_query_info`) to contruct an ``order_by`` clause on the query. See Also: ``_sort`` key from :py:func:`collection_query_info` **Query Parameters** **sort:** comma separated list of sort keys. Parameters: query (sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query): query Returns: sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query: query with ``order_by`` clause. """ # Get info for query. qinfo = self.collection_query_info(self.request) # Sorting. for key_info in qinfo['_sort']: sort_keys = key_info['key'].split('.') # We are using 'id' to stand in for the key column, whatever that # is. main_key = sort_keys[0] if main_key == 'id': main_key = order_att = getattr(self.model, main_key) if main_key in self.relationships: # If order_att is a relationship then we need to add a join to # the query and order_by the sort_keys[1] column of the # relationship's target. The default target column is 'id'. rel = self.relationships[main_key] if rel.to_many: raise HTTPBadRequest(f"Can't sort by TO_MANY relationship {main_key}.") query = query.join(order_att) try: sub_key = sort_keys[1] except IndexError: # Use the relationship sub_key = self.view_instance( rel.tgt_class ) order_att = getattr(rel.tgt_class, sub_key) if key_info['ascending']: query = query.order_by(order_att) else: query = query.order_by(order_att.desc()) return query
[docs] def query_add_filtering(self, query): """Add filtering clauses to query. Use information from the ``filter`` query parameter (via :py:func:`collection_query_info`) to filter query results. Filter parameter structure: ``filter[<attribute>:<op>]=<value>`` where: ``attribute`` is an attribute of the queried object type. ``op`` is the comparison operator. ``value`` is the value the comparison operator should compare to. Valid comparison operators: Only operators added via self.api.filter_registry.register() are considered valid. Get a list of filter names with self.api.filter_registry.valid_filter_names() See Also: ``_filters`` key from :py:func:`collection_query_info` **Query Parameters** **filter[<attribute>:<op>]:** filter operation. Parameters: query (sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query): query Returns: sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query: filtered query. Examples: Get people whose name is 'alice' .. parsed-literal:: http GET http://localhost:6543/people?filter[name:eq]=alice Get posts published after 2015-01-03: .. parsed-literal:: http GET http://localhost:6543/posts?filter[published_at:gt]=2015-01-03 Todo: Support dotted (relationship) attribute specifications. """ qinfo = self.collection_query_info(self.request) # Filters for finfo in qinfo['_filters'].values(): val = finfo['value'] colspec = finfo['colspec'] prop_name = colspec[0] operator = finfo['op'] try: prop = getattr(self.model, prop_name) except AttributeError: raise HTTPBadRequest( "Collection '{}' has no attribute '{}'".format( self.collection_name, '.'.join(colspec) ) ) if prop_name in self.relationships: # The property indicated is on the other side of a relationship rel = self.relationships[prop_name] if isinstance(rel.obj, AssociationProxy): # We need to join across association proxies differently. proxy = rel.obj.for_class(rel.src_class) query = query.join(proxy.remote_attr).filter([0][1] == self.id_col(self.model) ) else: query = query.join(prop) prop = getattr(rel.tgt_class, colspec[1]) try: filtr = self.api.filter_registry.get_filter(type(prop.type), operator) except KeyError: raise HTTPBadRequest( "No such filter operator: '{}'".format(operator) ) val = filtr['value_transform'](val) try: comparator = getattr(prop, filtr['comparator_name']) except AttributeError: raise HTTPInternalServerError( "Operator '{}' is registered but has no implementation on attribute '{}'.".format( operator, '.'.join(colspec) ) ) query = query.filter(comparator(val)) for rql in qinfo['_rql_filters']: query = query.rql(rql) return query
[docs] def related_limit(self, relationship): """Paging limit for related resources. **Query Parameters** **page[limit:relationships:<relname>]:** number of results to return per page for related resource <relname>. Parameters: relationship(sqlalchemy.orm.relationships.RelationshipProperty): the relationship to get the limit for. Returns: int: paging limit for related resources. """ limit_comps = ['limit', 'relationships',] limit = self.default_limit qinfo = self.collection_query_info(self.request) while limit_comps: if '.'.join(limit_comps) in qinfo['_page']: limit = int(qinfo['_page']['.'.join(limit_comps)]) break limit_comps.pop() return min(limit, self.max_limit)
[docs] @functools.lru_cache() def model_from_table(self, table): """Find the model class mapped to a table.""" for model in self.api.view_classes.keys(): if model.__table__ is table: return model raise KeyError("No model mapped to %s." % table)
[docs] def association_proxy_query(self, obj_id, rel, full_object=True): """Construct query for related objects across an association proxy. Parameters: obj_id (str): id of an item in this view's collection. proxy (sqlalchemy.ext.associationproxy.ObjectAssociationProxyInstance): the relationships to get related objects from. full_object (bool): if full_object is ``True``, query for all requested columns (probably to build resource objects). If full_object is False, only query for the key column (probably to build resource identifiers). Returns: sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query: query which will fetch related object(s). """ rel_view = self.view_instance(rel.tgt_class) proxy = rel.obj.for_class(rel.src_class) src_class = rel.src_class if rel.src_class is not rel.tgt_class else aliased(rel.src_class) query = self. dbsession.query( rel.tgt_class ).select_from( src_class ).join( proxy.local_attr ).join( proxy.remote_attr ).filter( self.id_col(src_class) == obj_id ) if full_object: query = query.options( load_only(*rel_view.allowed_requested_query_columns.keys()) ) else: query = query.options(load_only( return query
[docs] def standard_relationship_query(self, obj_id, relationship, full_object=True): """Construct query for related objects via a normal relationship. Parameters: obj_id (str): id of an item in this view's collection. relationship (sqlalchemy.orm.relationships.RelationshipProperty): the relationships to get related objects from. full_object (bool): if full_object is ``True``, query for all requested columns (probably to build resource objects). If full_object is False, only query for the key column (probably to build resource identifiers). Returns: sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query: query which will fetch related object(s). """ rel_model = relationship.tgt_class tables = [ getattr(col, 'table', None) for col in relationship.obj.local_remote_pairs[0] ] # if tables[0] is tables[1]: if rel_model is self.model: model = aliased(self.model) else: model = self.model return self.dbsession.query(rel_model).select_from( model ).join( getattr(model, ).filter( self.id_col(model) == obj_id )
[docs] def related_query(self, obj, relationship, full_object=True): """Construct query for related objects. Parameters: obj_id (str): id of an item in this view's collection. relationship: the relationship object to get related objects from. This can be a RelationshipProperty or AssociationProxy object. related_to (model class or None): the class the relationship is coming from. AssociationProxy relationships use this. It defaults to ``None``, which is interpreted as self.model. full_object (bool): if full_object is ``True``, query for all requested columns (probably to build resource objects). If full_object is False, only query for the key column (probably to build resource identifiers). Returns: sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query: query which will fetch related object(s). """ if obj is None: obj_id = None else: obj_id = self.id_col(obj) if isinstance(relationship.obj, AssociationProxy): query = self.association_proxy_query( obj_id, relationship, full_object=full_object ) else: query = self.standard_relationship_query( obj_id, relationship, full_object=full_object ) return query
[docs] def object_exists(self, obj_id): """Test if object with id obj_id exists. Args: obj_id (str): object id Returns: bool: True if object exists, False if not. """ try: return bool(self.dbsession.query( self.model ).options( load_only( ).filter(self.key_column == obj_id).one_or_none()) except (sqlalchemy.exc.DataError, sqlalchemy.exc.StatementError): return False
[docs] def mapped_info_from_name(self, name, model=None): """Get the pyramid_jsonapi info dictionary for a mapped object. Parameters: name (str): name of object. model (sqlalchemy.ext.declarative.declarative_base): model to inspect. Defaults to self.model. """ return sqlalchemy.inspect(model or self.model).all_orm_descriptors.get( name ).info.get('pyramid_jsonapi', {})
[docs] @classmethod @functools.lru_cache() def collection_query_info(cls, request): """Return dictionary of information used during DB query. Args: request (pyramid.request): request object. Returns: dict: query info in the form:: { 'page[limit]': maximum items per page, 'page[offset]': offset for current page (in items), 'sort': sort param from request, '_sort': [ { 'key': sort key ('field' or 'relationship.field'), 'ascending': sort ascending or descending (bool) }, ... }, '_filters': { filter_param_name: { 'colspec': list of columns split on '.', 'op': filter operator, 'value': value of filter param, } }, '_page': { paging_param_name: value, ... } } Keys beginning with '_' are derived. """ info = {} # Paging by limit and offset. # Use params 'page[limit]' and 'page[offset]' to comply with spec. info['page[limit]'] = min( cls.max_limit, int(request.params.get('page[limit]', cls.default_limit)) ) if info['page[limit]'] < 0: raise HTTPBadRequest('page[limit] must not be negative.') info['page[offset]'] = int(request.params.get('page[offset]', 0)) if info['page[offset]'] < 0: raise HTTPBadRequest('page[offset] must not be negative.') # Sorting. # Use param 'sort' as per spec. # Split on '.' to allow sorting on columns of relationship tables: # sort=name -> sort on the 'name' column. # -> sort on the 'name' column of the target table # of the relationship 'owner'. # The default sort column is 'id'. sort_param = request.params.get('sort', info['sort'] = sort_param # Break sort param down into components and store in _sort. info['_sort'] = [] for sort_key in sort_param.split(','): key_info = {} # Check to see if it starts with '-', which indicates a reverse # sort. ascending = True if sort_key.startswith('-'): ascending = False sort_key = sort_key[1:] key_info['key'] = sort_key key_info['ascending'] = ascending info['_sort'].append(key_info) # Find all parametrised parameters ( :) ) info['_filters'] = {} info['_rql_filters'] = [] info['_page'] = {} for param in request.params.keys(): match = re.match(r'(.*?)\[(.*?)\]', param) if not match: continue val = request.params.get(param) # Filtering. # Use 'filter[<condition>]' param. # Format: # filter[<column_spec>:<operator>] = <value> # where: # <column_spec> is either: # <column_name> for an attribute, or # <relationship_name>.<column_name> for a relationship. # Examples: # filter[name:eq]=Fred # would find all objects with a 'name' attribute of 'Fred' # filter[]=Fred # would find all objects where the relationship author pointed # to an object with 'name' 'Fred' # # Find all the filters. if == 'filter': if == '*rql': info['_rql_filters'].append(val) else: colspec = operator = 'eq' try: colspec, operator = colspec.split(':') except ValueError: pass colspec = colspec.split('.') info['_filters'][param] = { 'colspec': colspec, 'op': operator, 'value': val } # Paging. elif == 'page': info['_page'][] = val # Options. info['pj_include_count'] = asbool( request.params.get('pj_include_count', 'false') ) return info
@property def allowed_fields(self): """Set of fields to which current action is allowed. Returns: set: set of allowed field names. """ return set(self.fields)
[docs] def allowed_object(self, obj): # pylint:disable=no-self-use,unused-argument """Whether or not current action is allowed on object. Returns: bool: """ return True
@property @functools.lru_cache() def requested_field_names(self): """Get the sparse field names from request. **Query Parameters** **fields[<collection>]:** comma separated list of fields (attributes or relationships) to include in data. Returns: set: set of field names. """ param = self.request.params.get( 'fields[{}]'.format(self.collection_name) ) if param is None: return set(self.attributes.keys()).union( self.hybrid_attributes.keys() ).union( self.relationships.keys() ) elif param == '': return set() return set(param.split(',')) @property def requested_attributes(self): """Return a dictionary of attributes. **Query Parameters** **fields[<collection>]:** comma separated list of fields (attributes or relationships) to include in data. Returns: dict: dict in the form: .. parsed-literal:: { <colname>: <column_object>, ... } """ return { k: v for k, v in self.all_attributes.items() if k in self.requested_field_names } @property def requested_relationships(self): """Return a dictionary of relationships. **Query Parameters** **fields[<collection>]:** comma separated list of fields (attributes or relationships) to include in data. Returns: dict: dict in the form: .. parsed-literal:: { <relname>: <relationship_object>, ... } """ return { k: v for k, v in self.relationships.items() if k in self.requested_field_names } @property def requested_fields(self): """Union of attributes and relationships. **Query Parameters** **fields[<collection>]:** comma separated list of fields (attributes or relationships) to include in data. Returns: dict: dict in the form: .. parsed-literal:: { <colname>: <column_object>, ... <relname>: <relationship_object>, ... } """ ret = self.requested_attributes ret.update( self.requested_relationships ) return ret @property def allowed_requested_relationships_local_columns(self): # pylint:disable=invalid-name """Finds all the local columns for allowed MANYTOONE relationships. Returns: dict: local columns indexed by column name. """ rels = {} for k, rel in self.requested_relationships.items(): if isinstance(rel.obj, RelationshipProperty) and rel.direction is MANYTOONE and k in self.allowed_fields: for pair in rel.obj.local_remote_pairs: rels[pair[0].name] = pair[0] return rels @property def allowed_requested_query_columns(self): """All columns required in query to fetch allowed requested fields from db. Returns: dict: Union of allowed requested_attributes and allowed_requested_relationships_local_columns """ ret = { k: v for k, v in self.requested_attributes.items() if k in self.allowed_fields and k not in self.hybrid_attributes } ret.update( self.allowed_requested_relationships_local_columns ) return ret
[docs] @functools.lru_cache() def requested_include_names(self): """Parse any 'include' param in http request. Returns: set: names of all requested includes. Default: set: names of all direct relationships of self.model. """ inc = set() param = self.request.params.get('include') if param: for item in param.split(','): curname = [] for name in item.split('.'): curname.append(name) inc.add('.'.join(curname)) return inc
# @functools.lru_cache()
[docs] def path_is_included(self, path): """Test if path is in requested includes. Args: path (list): list representation if include path to test. Returns: bool: True if path is in requested includes. """ return '.'.join(path) in self.requested_include_names()
@property def bad_include_paths(self): """Return a set of invalid 'include' parameters. **Query Parameters** **include:** comma separated list of related resources to include in the include section. Returns: set: set of requested include paths with no corresponding attribute. """ param = self.request.params.get('include') bad = set() if param: for item in param.split(','): curname = [] curview = self tainted = False for name in item.split('.'): curname.append(name) if tainted: bad.add('.'.join(curname)) else: if name in curview.relationships.keys(): curview = curview.view_instance( curview.relationships[name].tgt_class ) else: tainted = True bad.add('.'.join(curname)) return bad
[docs] @functools.lru_cache() def view_instance(self, model): """(memoised) get an instance of view class for model. Args: model (DeclarativeMeta): model class. Returns: class: subclass of CollectionViewBase providing view for ``model``. """ view_instance = self.api.view_classes[model](self.request) try: view_instance.pj_shared = self.pj_shared except AttributeError: pass return view_instance
@classmethod def _add_stage_handler( cls, view_method, stage_name, hfunc, add_after='end', add_existing=False, ): ''' Add a stage handler to a stage of a view method. ''' vm_func = getattr(cls, view_method) try: stage = vm_func.stages[stage_name] except KeyError: raise KeyError( f'Endpoint {view_method} has no stage {stage_name}.' ) try: index = stage.index(hfunc) except ValueError: index = False if index and not add_existing: return if add_after == 'start': stage.appendleft(hfunc) elif add_after == 'end': stage.append(hfunc) else: stage.insert(stage.index(add_after) + 1, hfunc)
[docs] @classmethod def add_stage_handler( cls, methods, stages, hfunc, add_after='end', add_existing=False, ): ''' Add a stage handler to stages of view methods. Arguments: methods: an iterable of view method names (``get``, ``collection_get`` etc.). stages: an iterable of stage names. hfunc: the handler function. add_existing: If True, add this handler even if it exists in the deque. add_after: 'start', 'end', or an existing function. ''' for vm_name in methods: vm_func = getattr(cls, vm_name) for stage_name in stages: cls._add_stage_handler( vm_name, stage_name, hfunc, add_after, add_existing, )
[docs] @staticmethod def true_filter(*args, **kwargs): return True
[docs] @classmethod def wrap_permission_filter(cls, permission, stage, pfunc): def wrapped_pfunc( view, object_rep, target, mask=Permission.from_template_cached( cls.permission_template ), ): result = pfunc( object_rep, view=view, stage=stage, permission=permission, target=target, mask=mask, ) if target.type == Targets.relationship: # We want to be sure that we return a bool here. if isinstance(result, bool): return result elif isinstance(result, Permission): return in result.relationships else: raise TypeError( f"Permission filter should return a bool or Permission, not {type(result)}." ) return Permission.from_pfilter( cls.permission_template, result ) return wrapped_pfunc
[docs] @classmethod def register_permission_filter( cls, permissions, stages, pfunc, target_types=list(Targets) ): # Permission filters should have the signature: # pfunc(object_rep, view, stage, permission) # Just to shorten a long ugly name: method_sets = cls.api.endpoint_data.endpoints['http_method_sets'] perms = set() for pname in permissions: if pname in method_sets: perms |= method_sets[pname] else: perms.add(pname) cls.api.enable_permission_handlers(stages) # Triply nested for loop gets very deep. Use product to flatten it. for stage_name, perm, tt in itertools.product(stages, perms, target_types): perm = perm.lower() # Register the filter function. cls.permission_filters[perm][tt][stage_name] = \ cls.wrap_permission_filter(perm, stage_name, pfunc)
[docs] def permission_filter(self, permission, target_type, stage_name, default=None): """ Find the permission filter given a permission and stage name. """ default = default or (lambda *a, **kw: True) try: filter = self.permission_filters[permission][target_type][stage_name] except KeyError as e: defmask = Permission.from_template_cached(self.permission_template) filter = self.wrap_permission_filter(permission, stage_name, default) return partial(filter, self)
[docs] @classmethod def permission_handler(cls, endpoint_name, stage_name): # Look for the most specific permission handler first: see if one is # defined by the workflow method module (wf_kind_endpoint). wf_kind_endpoint = importlib.import_module( getattr(cls.api.settings, 'workflow_{}'.format(endpoint_name)) ) try: return wf_kind_endpoint.permission_handler(stage_name) except (KeyError, AttributeError): # Either no permission_handler (AttributeError) or it doesn't handle # method_name or stage_name (KeyError). Either way look for a # handler in the wf_kind package. wf_kind = importlib.import_module(wf_kind_endpoint.__package__) # Last part after the underscore of the endpoint name should be the # HTTP method/verb. try: return wf_kind.permission_handler(endpoint_name, stage_name) except (KeyError, AttributeError): # Use generic workflow module if it handles this stage. try: return wf.permission_handler(endpoint_name, stage_name) except KeyError: # This method and stage is completely unhandled. Return a # handler that effectively does nothing. return lambda arg, *args, **kwargs: arg
[docs] def permission_object( self, attributes=None, relationships=None, id=None, subtract_attributes=frozenset(), subtract_relationships=frozenset() ): template = self.permission_template id = id if id is not None else attributes = Permission._caclulate_attr_val( 'attributes', attributes, template.attributes, id ) - subtract_attributes relationships = Permission._caclulate_attr_val( 'relationships', relationships, template.relationships, id ) - subtract_relationships return Permission(template, attributes, relationships, id)