Source code for pyramid_jsonapi.metadata

"""This package contains metadata 'plugin' modules
that provide extra information related to the API being generated,
such as documentation, schemas etc.

Such plugins can optionally be offered as pyramid routes and views
under the 'metadata' endpoint."""

import collections
import importlib

[docs]class MetaData(): """Adds routes and views for all metadata modules. Metadata modules are added by inclusion in the ``metadata_modules`` option in settings. Modules should be space or newline separated, and must be installed such that they can be imported by python. All modules MUST have a class with the same name as the package. This class MAY contain a 'views' attribute, which contains a list of 'VIEWS' namedtuple instances, which will be converted into pyramid routes and views. """ def __init__(self, api): self.api = api # aslist expects space-separated strings to convert to lists. # iter_modules returns a list of tuples - we only want name ([1]) self.modules = self.api.settings.metadata_modules.aslist() self.make_routes_views()
[docs] def make_routes_views(self): """Generate routes and views for plugin modules.""" for mod_name in self.modules: # Import the module from the name provided module = importlib.import_module("{}.{}".format(__name__, mod_name)) # Each module should have a class with the same name class_name = mod_name mclass = getattr(module, class_name)(self.api) # Attach the instance as an attribute named after the class setattr(self, mod_name, mclass) views = getattr(mclass, 'views', []) for view in views: rp_constructor = self.api.endpoint_data.rp_constructor route_name = self.api.endpoint_data.make_route_name( class_name, suffix=view.route_name ) route_pattern = rp_constructor.metadata_pattern( class_name, view.route_name ) self.api.config.add_route( route_name, route_pattern ) self.api.config.add_view( mclass, attr=str(view.attr), route_name=route_name, request_method=view.request_method or 'GET', renderer=view.renderer or 'json', )
VIEWS = collections.namedtuple('Views', 'attr request_method route_name renderer')