Source code for pyramid_jsonapi.workflow.loop.relationships_post

import pyramid_jsonapi.workflow as wf
import sqlalchemy

from pyramid.httpexceptions import (
from sqlalchemy.orm.interfaces import (
from . import stages

[docs]def workflow(view, stages): if view.rel.direction is MANYTOONE: raise HTTPForbidden('Cannot POST to TOONE relationship link.') # Alter data with any callbacks data = view.request.json_body['data'] obj = view.dbsession.query(view.model).get(view.obj_id) items = [] for resid in data: if resid['type'] != view.rel_view.collection_name: raise HTTPConflict( "Resource identifier type '{}' does not match relationship type '{}'.".format( resid['type'], view.rel_view.collection_name ) ) try: newitem = view.dbsession.query(view.rel_class).get(resid['id']) except sqlalchemy.exc.DataError as exc: raise HTTPBadRequest("invalid id '{}'".format(resid['id'])) if newitem is None: raise HTTPFailedDependency("One or more objects POSTed to this relationship do not exist.") items.append(newitem) getattr(obj, view.relname).extend(items) obj = wf.execute_stage( view, stages, 'before_write_item', obj ) try: view.dbsession.flush() except sqlalchemy.exc.IntegrityError as exc: if 'duplicate key value violates unique constraint' in str(exc): # This happens when using an association proxy if we attempt to # add an object to the relationship that's already there. We # want this to be a no-op. pass else: raise HTTPFailedDependency(str(exc)) except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.FlushError as exc: if str(exc).startswith("Can't flush None value"): raise HTTPFailedDependency("One or more objects POSTed to this relationship do not exist.") else: # Catch-all. Shouldn't reach here. raise # pragma: no cover return wf.Doc()