Source code for pyramid_jsonapi.metadata.JSONSchema

"""JSONSchema metadata plugin.

This plugin provides JSONSchema schemas and validation.

This module provides 3 ``metadata`` views:

* ``JSONSchema``  - The full JSONSchema for JSONAPI (as provided by
* ``JSONSchema/endpoint/{endpoint}`` - JSONSchema for a specific endpoint, with attributes defined.
* ``JSONSchema/resource/{resource}`` -  JSONSchema of just the attributes for a resource.


This plugin uses `alchemyjsonschema <>`_
to provide mapping between pyramid model and JSONSchema types.

``alchemyjsonschema`` provides a ``default_column_to_schema`` dictionary, which maps
column types to jsonschema types. If you wish to extend this, you can do so by importing
this module and modifying this constant prior to importing pyramid_jsonapi.
For example, to extend the default mapping to include ``uuid`` types:

.. code-block:: python

    import alchemyjsonschema

            sqlalchemy_utils.types.uuid.UUIDType: "string"

    jsonapi = pyramid_jsonapi.PyramidJSONAPI(config, models)

Endpoint View

The endpoint view expects the path to include the endpoint in question, and 3 query parameters must be provided:

* method - http method (GET, POST etc)
* direction - 'request' or 'response'
* code - http status code (if direction is 'response')

For example:


Will return the schema that matches a valid response (200 OK) to a GET to ``/api/people``

import functools
import json
import logging
import pkgutil
import sys

# Dict and deepcopy performance in python < 3.6 is lacking
# pickle/unpickle hack gives much better performance.
if sys.version_info.minor >= 6:
    from copy import deepcopy
    import pickle
    deepcopy = lambda x: pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(x, -1))  # pylint:disable=invalid-name

import alchemyjsonschema
import jsonschema
from pyramid.httpexceptions import (
from pyramid_jsonapi.metadata import VIEWS

[docs]class JSONSchema(): """Metadata plugin to generate and validate JSONSchema for sqlalchemy, using alchemyjsonschema to map sqlalchemy types. """ def __init__(self, api): """ Parameters: api: A PyramidJSONAPI class instance Attributes: views (list): VIEWS named tuples associating methods with views column_to_schema (dict): alchemyjsonschema column to schema mapping. This defaults to alchemyjsonschema.default_column_to_schema, but can be extended or overridden. For example, to add a mapping of 'JSONB' to 'string':: from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import JSONB self.column_to_schema[JSONB] = 'string' """ self.views = [ VIEWS( attr='template', route_name='', request_method='', renderer='' ), VIEWS( attr='resource_attributes_view', route_name='resource/{endpoint}', request_method='', renderer='' ), VIEWS( attr='endpoint_schema_view', route_name='endpoint/{endpoint}{sep:/?}{method:.*}', request_method='', renderer='' ), ] self.api = api self.column_to_schema = alchemyjsonschema.default_column_to_schema self.schema = {} self.schema_post = {} self.load_schema() self.build_definitions()
[docs] def template(self, request=None): # pylint:disable=unused-argument """Return the JSONAPI jsonschema dict (as a pyramid view). Parameters: request (optional): Pyramid Request object. Returns: JSONAPI schema document. """ return self.schema
[docs] def load_schema(self): """Load the JSONAPI jsonschema from file. Reads 'pyramid_jsonapi.schema_file' from config, or defaults to one provided with the package. """ schema_file = self.api.settings.schema_file if schema_file: with open(schema_file) as schema_f: schema = else: schema = pkgutil.get_data( self.api.__module__, 'schema/jsonapi-schema.json' ).decode('utf-8') self.schema = json.loads(schema) # POSTs can omit the id self.schema_post = json.loads(schema) try: # Custom schemas may not have this structure self.schema_post['definitions']['resource']['required'].remove('id') except (IndexError, KeyError): pass
[docs] def resource_attributes_view(self, request): """Call resource() via a pyramid view. Parameters: request: Pyramid Request object. Returns: Results of resource_attributes() method call. Raises: HTTPNotFound error for unknown endpoints. """ # Extract endpoint from route pattern, use to get resource schema, return this endpoint = request.matchdict['endpoint'] try: return self.resource_attributes(endpoint) except IndexError: raise HTTPNotFound("Invalid endpoint specified: {}.".format(endpoint))
[docs] @functools.lru_cache() def resource_attributes(self, endpoint): """Return jsonschema attributes for a specific resource. Parameters: endpoint (str): endpoint to obtain schema for. Returns: Dictionary containing jsonschema attributes for the endpoint. """ # Hack relevant view_class out of endpoint name view_class = [x for x in self.api.view_classes.values() if x.collection_name == endpoint][0] classifier = alchemyjsonschema.Classifier(mapping=self.column_to_schema) factory = alchemyjsonschema.SchemaFactory(alchemyjsonschema.NoForeignKeyWalker, classifier=classifier) schema = {} try: schema.update(factory(view_class.model)) except alchemyjsonschema.InvalidStatus as exc: logging.warning("Schema Error: %s", exc) # Remove 'id' attribute # (returned by db, but not stored in attrs in jsonapi) if 'properties' in schema: if 'id' in schema['properties']: del schema['properties']['id'] if 'required' in schema: if 'id' in schema['required']: schema['required'].remove('id') # Empty required list is invalid jsonschema if not schema['required']: del schema['required'] return schema
[docs] def endpoint_schema_view(self, request): """Pyramid view for endpoint_schema. Parameters: request: Pyramid Request object. Returns: Results of endpoint_schema() method call. Raises: HTTPNotFound error for unknown endpoints. Takes 1 path parameert: * 'endpoint' Takes 3 optional query parameters: * 'method': http method (defaults to get) * 'direction': request or response (defaults to response) * 'code': http status code """ endpoint = request.matchdict['endpoint'] method = request.params.get('method') direction = request.params.get('direction') code = request.params.get('code') return self.endpoint_schema(endpoint, method, direction, code)
[docs] def endpoint_schema(self, endpoint, method, direction, code): """Generate a full schema for an endpoint. Parameters: endpoint (string): Endpoint name method (string): http method (defaults to 'get') direction (string): request or response (defaults to response) code (string): http status code Returns: JSONSchema (dict) """ try: method = method.lower() direction = direction.lower() code = int(code) except (AttributeError, ValueError): raise HTTPBadRequest("Invalid parameters specified") # reject invalid endpoints if not "{}_attrs".format(endpoint) in self.schema['definitions']: raise HTTPNotFound("Invalid endpoint specified: {}.".format(endpoint)) success = deepcopy(self.schema['definitions']['success']) if direction == 'response' and code >= 400: # Return reference to failure part of schema return {'$ref': '#/definitions/failure'} if direction == 'request': # Replace data with single (ep-specific) resource # (POST/PATCH can only be single resource) success['properties'] = { 'data': {'$ref': '#/definitions/{}_attrs'.format(endpoint)} } else: # direction == response # Replace data with ep-specific data ref success['properties']['data'] = {'$ref': '#/definitions/{}_data'.format(endpoint)} return success
[docs] def validate(self, json_body, method='get'): """Validate schema against jsonschema.""" method = method.lower() # TODO: How do we validate PATCH requests? if method != 'patch': schm = self.schema if method == 'post': schm = self.schema_post try: jsonschema.validate(json_body, schm) except (jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError) as exc: raise HTTPBadRequest(str(exc))
[docs] def build_definitions(self): """Build data and attribute references for all endpoints, and updates the 'global' schema. """ for view_class in self.api.view_classes.values(): endpoint = view_class.collection_name # Get attributes for this endpoint attrs = self.resource_attributes(endpoint) # Add a resource definition for this endpoint to the 'global' schema attr_ref = {'$ref': '#/definitions/{}_attrs'.format(endpoint)} resource = deepcopy(self.schema['definitions']['resource']) resource['properties']['attributes'] = attrs resource['properties']['type']['pattern'] = "^{}$".format(endpoint) self.schema['definitions']["{}_attrs".format(endpoint)] = resource # Add a data definition for this endpoint to the 'global' schema ep_data = deepcopy(self.schema['definitions']['data']) # Data can be a single resource... ep_data['oneOf'][0] = attr_ref # Or an array. ep_data['oneOf'][1]['items'] = attr_ref self.schema['definitions']["{}_data".format(endpoint)] = ep_data