Source code for pyramid_jsonapi.metadata.OpenAPI

"""Generate OpenAPI documentation from Models, Schema and Endpoint info.

This module provides 2 ``metadata`` views:

* ``OpenAPI`` - the Swagger UI.
* ``OpenAPI/specification`` - the project OpenAPI specification (JSON).


The config option ``openapi_file`` can be used to provide a JSON or YAML
file which will be used to update the dynamically generated documentation.

Metadata for the OpenAPI documentation will be extracted from the ``PKG-INFO``
data provided with the pyramid package that is using ``pyramid_jsonapi``,
using the ``pkginfo`` module. This requires that the pyramid package can be
located in the python path (i.e it can be imported).

Documentation is dynamically generated from several sources:

* Endpoint data -> endpoints, parameters, request and response content.
* Model docstrings -> endpoint descriptions.
* sqlalchemy columns -> schemas (via JSONSchema module).


import functools
import os.path
import yaml
import pkginfo
from pyramid.renderers import JSON

from pyramid_jsonapi.metadata import VIEWS

[docs]class OpenAPI(): """Auto-generate OpenAPI documentation.""" def __init__(self, api): self.api = api self.metadata = {} # Load mako templating self.api.config.include('pyramid_mako') self.api.config.add_renderer('json_sorted', JSON(sort_keys=True)) self.views = [ VIEWS( attr='openapi_spec', route_name='specification', request_method='', renderer='json_sorted' ), VIEWS( attr='swagger_ui', route_name='', request_method='', renderer='pyramid_jsonapi.metadata.OpenAPI:swagger-ui/index.mako' ) ]
[docs] @staticmethod def swagger_ui(request): """Dynamically generate the swagger-ui index.html Parameters: request (optional): Pyramid Request object. Returns: dict containing variables for template substitution. """ return {'openapi_url': "{}/specification".format(request.current_route_url())}
[docs] def openapi_spec(self, request=None): # pylint:disable=unused-argument """Return the OpenAPI specification dict (as a pyramid view). Parameters: request (optional): Pyramid Request object. Returns: OpenAPI template document. """ return self.generate_openapi(request=request)
[docs] @functools.lru_cache() def generate_pkg_metadata(self): """Get metadatsa for 'parent' pyramid package.""" # Get the PKG-INFO metadata for the 'parent' pyramid app pkg_name = self.api.config.package_name self.metadata = pkginfo.Installed(pkg_name)
[docs] @staticmethod def build_content(schema, description='', mediatype='application/vnd.api+json'): """Construct a content dictionary for a given schema.""" return { 'description': description, 'content': { mediatype: { 'schema': schema } } }
[docs] def build_parameters(self, opts): """Build paramaters schema.""" # Add 'in: query' parameters - 'global' and ep-specific parameters = [] for param, val in self.api.endpoint_data.endpoints['query_parameters'].items(): schema = {} if isinstance(val, list): schema['type'] = 'array' schema['items'] = {'type': 'string', 'pattern': '|'.join(["^{}$".format(x) for x in val])} else: schema['type'] = 'string' q_param = { 'name': param, 'in': 'query', 'schema': schema, } parameters.append(q_param) # Add 'in: path' parameters extracted from route_pattern if 'route_pattern' in opts: for field in opts['route_pattern']['fields']: parameters.append({ 'name': field, 'in': 'path', 'required': True, 'schema': { 'type': 'string' } }) return parameters
[docs] def build_request(self, name, method): """Build requestBody part of schema.""" content = self.api.metadata.JSONSchema.endpoint_schema( name, method.lower(), 'request', '999' # Code is irrelevant for requests ) return self.build_content(content)
[docs] def build_responses(self, name, ep_type, method): """Build responses part of schema.""" responses = {} resp_data = dict() for resps in self.api.endpoint_data.find_all_keys('responses', ep_type, method): for http_class, opts in resps.items(): if http_class not in resp_data: resp_data[http_class] = opts['reason'] else: resp_data[http_class].extend(opts['reason']) for response, reason in resp_data.items(): responses[str(response.code)] = self.build_content( self.api.metadata.JSONSchema.endpoint_schema( name, method.lower(), 'response', response.code ), description="\n\n".join(set(reason)), ) return responses
[docs] def recurse_remove_keys(self, dictionary, name): """Recursively build a new version of dictionary with named keys removed.""" new_dict = {} for key, value in dictionary.items(): if key != name: if isinstance(value, dict): new_dict[key] = self.recurse_remove_keys(value, name) else: new_dict[key] = value return new_dict
[docs] def replace_in_value_inner(self, val, old, new): """Inner part of recurse_replace_in_value.""" if isinstance(val, (dict, list, tuple)): return self.recurse_replace_in_value(val, old, new) elif isinstance(val, str): return val.replace(old, new) return val
[docs] def recurse_replace_in_value(self, obj, old, new): """Recursively replace() strings in values.""" if isinstance(obj, dict): new_obj = {} for key, val in obj.items(): new_obj[key] = self.replace_in_value_inner(val, old, new) elif isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)): new_obj = [] for val in obj: new_obj.append(self.replace_in_value_inner(val, old, new)) return new_obj
[docs] @functools.lru_cache() def generate_openapi(self, request=None): """Generate openapi documentation.""" # OpenAPI 'template' openapi = { # OpenAPI specification version 'openapi': '3.0.0', 'paths': {}, } self.generate_pkg_metadata() openapi['info'] = { 'title': or '', 'description': self.metadata.description or '', 'version': self.api.settings.api_version or self.metadata.version or '', 'contact': { 'name': or '', 'email': self.metadata.author_email or '', 'url': self.metadata.home_page or request.host_url or '' }, 'license': { 'name': self.metadata.license or '' } } ep_data = self.api.endpoint_data # Split the route_path using the metadata_pattern. # any prefixes are then prefixed to path_name later # This handles hosting from a sub-directory. base_path = '' if request: base_path, _ = request.current_route_path().split( ep_data.rp_constructor.metadata_pattern('OpenAPI'), 1 ) # Set server url to be relative url of base and api/version path openapi['servers'] = [ { 'url': "/{}".format(ep_data.rp_constructor.api_pattern('', base=base_path)) } ] paths = {} # Iterate through all view_classes, getting name (for path) for model, view_class in self.api.view_classes.items(): name = view_class.collection_name # Iterate through endpoints, adding paths and methods for ep_type, opts in ep_data.endpoints['endpoints'].items(): # Add appropriate suffix to path endpoint, if present (e.g. {id}) suffix = ep_data.route_pattern_to_suffix( opts.get('route_pattern', {}) ) # Create full path, stripping trailing slash if suffix was empty path_name = os.path.normpath("/{}/{}".format(name, suffix)) paths[path_name] = {} for method in opts['http_methods']: paths[path_name][method.lower()] = {} paths[path_name][method.lower()]['parameters'] = self.build_parameters(opts) if opts['http_methods'][method].get('request_schema', False): paths[path_name][method.lower()]['requestBody'] = self.build_request(name, method) if opts['http_methods'][method].get('response_schema', True): paths[path_name][method.lower()]['responses'] = self.build_responses(name, ep_type, method) # Add description paths[path_name][method.lower()]['description'] = model.__doc__ or '' # Add 'paths' to the openapi spec openapi['paths'].update(paths) # Add the JSONSchema JSONAPI definitions to the openapi spec openapi.update({'x-definitions': self.api.metadata.JSONSchema.template()['definitions']}) # Update openapi dict from external yaml/json file, if provided in config. openapi_file = str(self.api.settings.openapi_file) if openapi_file: with open(openapi_file) as oa_f: openapi.update(yaml.safe_load( # TODO: patternProperties not supported in openapi, so remove all occurrences # openapi = self.recurse_remove_keys(openapi, 'patternProperties') # Re-map all definitions refs to x-definitions openapi = self.recurse_replace_in_value(openapi, 'definitions', 'x-definitions') return openapi